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Bowl Mangle Drying Range

Bowl Mangle Drying Range

Standard Features

Bowl Mangle Drying Range

High quality Textile Processing Machinery like Bowl Mangle Drying Range with heavy duty equipment. Cloth Entry: A Set of three curved bar rubber sleeve expander. A pair of mechanical cloth guider with adjusting frames to suit cloth width.
Structure: M.S. Stack fabricated from M.S. Plates and flates. All type of Textile Machinery Spare Parts Manufacturer with high quality material

Technical Specification

CYLINDERS::Cylinders of 22” or 30” dia face width from 48” to 120” fabricated from 16 to 10 SWG of 304 or 316 quality stainless steel Argon arc welded consisting M.S. Dished ends and Trunion, Suitable for 40 to 100 P.S.I. Working Pressure. The cylinders mounted on stack running in ball bearing pendestals. Suitable steam inlet out let connection provided.
